Thursday, 29 March 2012

Compare French polish with Synthetic enamel.

. Compare French polish with Synthetic enamel.

French Polish

Synthetic Enamel

French polish is a transparent coat of natural resin which was dissolved in spirit for ease of application.
Synthetic enamel is a colour coat. The pigment and other materials  are mixed in linseed oil by the makers to formulate this enamel.
French polish is done only to timber and timber products.
Synthetic enamel can be applied to timber, timber products, walls, ceilings and many metal products.
French polish, since it can be transparent, may not hide the grain patterns on timber.
Synthetic enamel, since it is not transparent, hides the grain pattern on the timber.
The process time of French polish is very less. It is less than two hours since a coat can dry in 5 minutes.
The process time for synthetic enamel is more and never less than two days since every coat takes minimum 8 hours to dry.
French polish is not water resistant. It gets washed away or is damaged on application of water.
Synthetic enamel is almost water proof. Hence cleaning with wet cloth can be done.

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