Friday, 23 March 2012

MDF or Medium Density Fibre board

 What is meant by Medium Density Fiber Board?
  Particleboards & fiberboards are recomposed wood products. For manufacturing fiberboard, small chips of wood, grass or sugarcane bagasses etc [say up to 25 to 30 mm long] are crushed so that loose fibers are obtained. The fibers, on drying, are mixed with adequate glue and boards are made by either hot pressing or by cold pressing. Depending upon the intensity of pressure and few other parameters, the density of fiber boards can be low, medium or high.
             Low density boards have Sp. Gr. below 0.5
             Medium density boards have Sp. Gr. from 0.5 to 0.9
             High density boards have Sp. Gr. above 0.9
        The fiber boards can either have a uniform density through out the section or can have higher densities near the surface and relatively poor density at the core. Medium density particleboards are used for making cupboards, tables, partitions etc.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the interesting piece of information, your post is simple yet smart.

    MDF Furniture | Medium Density Board
